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3 Effective and Minimally Invasive Wrinkle Treatments

3 Effective and Minimally Invasive Wrinkle Treatments

Does it seem like each time you look in the mirror, a new line has taken its place among a growing number of wrinkles? While there may be little we can do about the forward march of time, there’s much we can do to erase its passage. 

Skin is our domain here at Z-Roc Dermatology, and Drs. Matthew Zarraga and Khongruk Wongkittiroch have a clear understanding of how and why wrinkles develop. This also means that our team understands the best ways to combat the signs of aging, and they don’t always have to come at the edge of a knife.

Here, we take a look at three wrinkle treatments that are long on results and short on downtime and recovery.

1. Cosmetic injectables

The use of cosmetic injectables to minimize wrinkles is so effective that many people refer to them collectively as a, “liquid facelift.”

There are two main types of cosmetic injectables:


Since the introduction of Botox® in the early 2000s, neurotoxin injectables have held the top spot in minimally invasive cosmetic procedures in the United States — there were nearly 4.5 million administered in 2020 alone. The injectables work by temporarily quieting the muscles that contract to form wrinkles around your eyes, brows, and forehead.

At our practice, we offer Botox injections, which we can administer in mere minutes. No more than a week later, you’ll realize great results, which last up to four months, at which point you return for another round.

Dermal fillers

For those deep lines and wrinkles on the bottom half of your face, dermal fillers are the perfect tools for the job. With dermal fillers, we can improve nasolabial folds, marionette lines, vertical lines around your lips, and lines along your jowls. 

We offer dermal fillers from industry-leading brands, such as Juvederm®, Restylane®, Perlane®, Belotero®, and Revanesse® and, like Botox, we can administer them quickly. Unlike Botox, your results are immediate and last up to a year or more, though results vary.

2. Laser skin renewal

If you want to give the surface of your skin a lift, laser skin renewal is the perfect option. Using this technique, we send laser energy into your skin in the form of heat to elicit a collagen response from deep within your tissue. Since collagen is the structural protein responsible for the support of your skin, this ramped-up production lifts and tightens your skin.

While the results we garner are fantastic, you’ll also like the fact that the energy passes harmlessly through the surface of your skin so there’s no downtime or recovery after your treatment. Please note that your results after laser skin renewal are gradual as collagen rebuilds the support from below.

3. Microneedling

If you want to go a step further and tackle lines and wrinkles as well as surface concerns, such as age spots or acne scarring, microneedling is a great option. With microneedling, we use MicroPen™ to create tiny microchannels across the surface of your skin that break up surface concerns and create a collagen response at the same time.

This approach to aging skin is slightly more invasive than laser skin renewal, but, that said, the microchannels are small enough that there’s no real damage to the surface of your skin. In other words, there’s no downtime, though you may experience some redness for a day or two afterward.

Like laser skin renewal, your results are gradual as your body flushes away the cells we broke up and newer, healthier ones take their place. At the same time, renewed collagen production lifts and tightens your skin.

These treatments are fine examples of the many wrinkle-fighting options we offer that are both effective and minimally invasive. To schedule your treatment, contact our office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to set up an appointment.

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