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Dermatology Care and COVID-19: What You Should Know

When the United States ground to a halt in March, everything from car maintenance to healthcare was put on the back burner as we sheltered at home. Tending to this backlog as we slowly make our way into the world can be daunting, especially as the virus continues to make its most unwelcome rounds.

At Z-Roc Dermatology, Drs. Khongruk Wongkittiroch, Matthew Zarraga and our expert team are focused on two objectives: 1) Provide our clients with ongoing dermatologic care; and 2) Ensure a sanitized environment that meets current safety protocols.

Here’s a look at how we are answering the call when it comes to staff and patient safety, plus a few bonus tips for keeping your skin in great health as you sanitize and wear masks.

Keeping everyone safe during the COVID-19 crisis

In order for us to provide you with continuing top-notch care, we’re closely following local, state, and federal guidelines when it comes to best practices. For example, we ensure that all staff members have the proper personal protective equipment, and we ask that clients who come in possess the same — primarily a face covering and gloves should you wish.

Of course, we have sanitizers on hand and our practice, including all equipment, is cleaned according to the highest and most stringent standards.

To minimize exposure, we’re only seeing clients on an appointment basis, and we spread the appointments out so that waiting areas are kept mostly clear. We also perform a pre-appointment symptom check.

If your skin care concerns are something that can wait, and you’re understandably hesitant about coming in, please give us a call and we can provide you with some interim tips until you feel comfortable enough to come see us.

If your skin issues require prompt care, we’re happy to address them to ensure that you stay on top of the problem.

Tips for skin care during COVID-19

If you’ve been wearing a mask in the Florida heat, you understand the issues these face coverings pose when it comes to your skin. To continue to protect yourself and others from the novel coronavirus and take care of your skin at the same time, here are a few tips for wearing a mask:

If you’re wearing a reusable mask, launder the mask often using gentle soap and no bleach, which can irritate your skin and break down the materials in your face covering.

If you have any questions about your skin or you need dermatologic care during the COVID-19 pandemic, please contact our office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for more information.

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